Learn to Ride
the waves of change.


I am Dr. Michelle Wolff! I am a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner providing online psychiatric and medication management services for any lifestyle or schedule. We also specialize in medical weight loss using the newest therapies.

You don’t have to go through your life struggles alone!

A New Brand of Care.

Are you looking for a Psychiatry Provider that listens to you and includes you in your treatment plan?

Are you looking for a compassionate, non-judgemental psychiatry provider that provides a safe environment to meet?

Do you want to feel empowered knowing you are on the proper medications and therapies to overcome your struggles, and turn around your life?

I would love for you to give me the opportunity to help you achieve your goals!


I’m so glad you’re here.

I believe in providing high quality, evidence-based treatment, along with the emphasis on improving both your physical as well as mental health. 

You don’t have to go through life struggles alone!

Learn more about working with me >


Mental Health

Dr. Wolff combines traditional and alternative medicine, emphasizing high-quality, personalized care.

She encourages patients to practice self-care through exercise, nutrition, sleep, socialization, and stress reduction while using medication as a supportive measure when necessary.

Medical Weight Loss

We offer recommendations and treatments for weight loss, such as tirzapatizide and semaglutide, peptide therapy, appetite suppressants and more!

We use functional medicine, and peptides to help with immunity, energy, improved sexual health, improved sleep, faster wound healing, anti-aging, and more!

Peptide Therapies

Peptide therapies focus on boosting your mental and physical well-being. Our treatments can help you lose stubborn belly fat, delay skin aging effects, reduce body fat, and gain lean muscle.

We're eager to help you feel amazing inside and out!


I believe finding good mental healthcare should be simple.

Learn to decide if I am a good fit for you.

If we are, great! We’ll schedule your first appointment and begin mapping out a path to your goals.


but you can learn to surf.